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Compliance Management - Banking Exchange
The Federal Reserve stated that it would “reduce the volatility of stress test results..."
The final rule brings supervision to “Big Tech” and other widely used digital payment apps
By increasing competition and choice, the rule aims to lower loan prices and improve customer service
The federal judge rejected the challenge, which was backed by the American Bankers Association
Overriding regulation would prevent confusion and relieve banks from overlapping requirements
The financial services industry would be wise to take notice
Recent bank law developments are causing fragmentation of the banking system, OCC says
A coalition of associations have claimed the proposal infringes on personal privacy rights
The proposed rules would remove automatic bank merger approvals
The BPI and ABA also released a statement saying the “changes would inflict serious harm”
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Optimizing Payment Rails:
Smarter Solutions for Efficient Money Movement

Thursday, February 27 at 2:00 ET

Financial institutions are under pressure to deliver faster, more cost-effective, and user-friendly payment solutions. Smart routing and multi-rail optimization have emerged as key strategies to streamline payment processes and enhance the customer experience.

What You’ll Learn:


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