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Dealmakers hit snooze button in hopes of better tax benefits in 2017
What could be more exciting than higher profits?
Allocating capital represents key board duty
Some real-life observations on what can go wrong
What would you tell the candidates? Jeff Gerrish sends 5 key messages
Getting M&A structure right in the first place saves a lot of angst and money
A taste of things when employees own the profits and the risks
Careless political participation can breed reputational risk
As retirement shrinks pool of excellence, community banks must focus
 “M.E.G.O.” is not a reaction that passes muster anymore
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Strategic Growth: How FI Execs Can
Leverage a Payments Hub

Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 2:00 pm ET

As banks prioritize investments in both commercial and retail payments, with a significant portion planning to spend over $20 million, it's clear that payment modernization is at the forefront of industry strategy. However, legacy infrastructure remains a significant challenge.

Alacriti's Neeraj Gupta, SVP of Product Management, will discuss:


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