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Tips on retaining bankers who make your bank successful
From the “Trump effect” to their most recent exams to the M&A picture, optimism reigns
Common thoughts and questions community bank leaders have about M&A
This effort can produce—when done properly
Recruitment’s fun. “Decruitment” not so much
Rising rates improves outlook for institutions
Recruitment, “de-cruitment,” proper involvement, and compensation rank
Conditions may thaw, but big shift may take time
Much has changed. Make sure the bank is ready
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Strategic Growth: How FI Execs Can
Leverage a Payments Hub

Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 2:00 pm ET

As banks prioritize investments in both commercial and retail payments, with a significant portion planning to spend over $20 million, it's clear that payment modernization is at the forefront of industry strategy. However, legacy infrastructure remains a significant challenge.

Alacriti's Neeraj Gupta, SVP of Product Management, will discuss:


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