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Banking customers are looking for convenience but are also concerned about how what they do affects the world around them
The investments are from the bank’s dedicated $200 million Impact Fund
Organization is first regional US commercial bank to become carbon neutral
The impact bond market could grow to $2 trillion this year, says Insight Investment
There has been a huge increase in SRI-themed exchange-traded funds in recent years, data shows
Broader sustainable fixed income market could add $1 trillion this year, according to SEB
Funds with more than $400 billion in assets will incorporate “pecuniary” ESG process
Morningstar’s benchmark is tilted on gender equality data, while MSCI’s is a broad ESG index
Fidelity, UBS Asset Management, and AXA Investment Managers among signatories to new agreement
The United States has already surpassed $28 billion in Socially Responsible Investing funds this year
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