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As the number of banking industry laws and regulations has multiplied over the last decade, it has created a significant financial burden, causing bankers to think about compliance in a…
Earlier this month, Ally Financial released its Q2 Earnings report.
Guardian recently released a survey on what the millennial generation think about how to plan for their financial future, and some of the results can provide banks with guidance as…
“You shall not lend on interest to your brother. You may lend interest to a foreigner; but to your brother you shall not lend interest.”
Given the present political climate, and stories about data breaches making headline news, Data Centers may make the average person twitch, but the demand for data centers provide opportunities for…
Mckinsey and Company claims that 70% of changes attempted in financial institutions fail.
Study finds economies of scale in compliance, and little match between spending and exam ratings
Hint: It has to do with integrating the credit loss standard with stress testing
Paper beast no more, payables go digital with bank’s new app for SMBs
On the move: Meet the next generation of bank leaders
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Banking Exchange Interview with
Rachel Lewis of Stock Yards Bank

As part of the Banking Exchange Interview Series we and SkyStem are proud to present our interview with Rachel Lewis, Assistant Controller at Stock Yards Bank & Trust.

In this interview, Banking Exchange's Publisher Erik Vander Kolk, speaks with Rachel Lewis at length. We get a brief overview of her professional journey in the banking industry and get insights into what role technology plays in helping her do her work.


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