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How to Get Your Employees On Board with Cyber Security

Cyber attacks can put your company’s stability at risk

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  • Written by  Kerry Harrison, VPN Geeks
How to Get Your Employees On Board with Cyber Security

Cyber attacks can put your company’s stability at risk as it usually targets the company computer systems. Having employees on board ensures you get all the assistance you can get in combating threats before they harm the system. Continuous training is one way of keeping all employees up to date on current cyber attack threats.

When employees understand what is at stake, they’ll be more open to doing whatever it takes to protect the company system from cyber attacks. When you invest in training employees and on the right tools and services, you can be in a position to combat cyber attacks way before it affects your system. 

1. Understanding the Importance of Cybersecurity vigilance 

Having a comprehensive understanding of what it would mean to suffer malicious attack encourages employees to keep an eye out for potential cyber attack situations. When everyone in the company makes an effort to stop cyber attacks, the company’s system is guaranteed to be much more secure. Proper education when it comes to this area ensures each employee understand the benefits of a secure system. 

You should be able to communicate to your employees that an innocent choice could easily lead to a serious breach that affects everyone in the company. When a company’s entire network is compromised, the result is loss of business and possibly, the tarnishing of a hard-earned reputation as an organization. Consider training your employees so that you leave nothing to chance. As a company, you need to adopt a secure culture and ensure new employees are assimilated as well. 

2. Onboarding Cybersecurity

When it comes to developing a secure culture, the earlier you begin, the better. Ensure that cybersecurity training is included as part of new employees’ orientation so that they know it’s an important detail from the get-go. Developing a security culture is going to take time, and you need to remember that patience is key. Have employees passionate about cybersecurity take new hires through every detail. 

Keeping the workplace safe boosts productivity because security breaches can be very disruptive. When the company’s system is attacked, you will likely lose business as you try to recover. Data recovery can take time, especially if the cyber attacks was a well thought out operation. Extensive training empowers employees to ensure they do everything in their power to prevent cyber attacks. The ability to quickly recognize potential malicious situations should be a skill that each employee has. 

3. VPNs 

Remember to provide your employees with all the necessary tools to ensure cybersecurity threats are combated. VPN's offer dependable privacy that ensures employees can handle confidential information without it leaking. Virtual private networks allow your employees to share data on public networks without the risk of a security breach. Ensuring that what is private remains private enables you to safeguard client data. As a well-reputed company or organization, you need an all-around virtual private network that guarantees speed and ease of use. With maximum functionality, you can boost productivity and secure your systems. Consider choosing reputable companies for VPN's services, so you get access to one that runs on a wide variety of platforms. Reliability of systems ensures that safeguarding the company system from cyber attack is made easy. 

4. Evaluation and Training 

Security awareness can only be achieved through education. For cultural change to be possible in your company or organization, employees need to be armed with the right information. Dissemination of pertinent information in an easy to understand format ensures the training process moves along smoothly. Training puts employees in the know so that they take the appropriate action in the even they detect potential threats. A mature security program equips your employees with the right tools to combat cyber attack threats. 

Simulation attacks help employees identify information and procedures they are not well conversant with. A simulation attack is an opportunity for employees to sharpen their skills so that they know what to do when faced with a real threat. The system should also be kept up to date and secure from malicious attacks. Evaluation helps you determines loopholes in the system that need fixing. LAN’s should be bulletproof to ensure intruders cannot access the system. Regular knowledge evaluation for employees is also necessary to keep everyone on their feet. 

5. Presenting Information in Manageable Chunks 

When it comes to introducing new information, non-stop PowerPoint slides won’t do the trick. You need to present information in manageable chunks so that employees have an easy time understanding and grasping the concept. Consider using info graphs and videos to illustrate information so that employees visualize what you are communicating. 

Avoid big terminologies, and instead, use easy to understand words. Remember to make use of posters to remind your employees of what they have learned. When you relay easy-to-understand messages, you’ll be able to speed up the learning process and be in a position to secure your system sooner. Consider summarising information after completion of each concept by outlining the most important points. Short and simple information make for engaging content that allows employees to learn from one another. 


Cyber attacks pose severe threats to productivity, as well as, the reputation of companies and organisations. Having employees on board when it comes to cybersecurity ensures that your system is protected from attack.

By Kerry Harrison,  VPN Geeks

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