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Tech Sherpa

Anna Murray of emedia llc brings a real-world view to life in the trenches of technology. Often with a dash of humor, Murray's suggestions can help tech work better inside your organization. She is the author of The Complete Software Project Manager: Mastering Technology From Planning To Launch And Beyond.

5 greatest myths at start of tech rollouts

Written by Anna Murray | 02/13/2017 - 13:26 |
How many of these are you living in your bank right now?

Does your bank have an IT wizard?

Written by Anna Murray | 01/13/2017 - 16:35 |
(Spoiler Alert!—It’s not a good thing)

5 cyber-security lessons from classic TV

Written by Anna Murray | 11/03/2016 - 17:39 |
Who knew old public service announcements have tech wisdom for today?

8 steps to avoiding cyber hacking

Written by Anna Murray | 04/14/2016 - 15:40 |
Don’t let software development expose your bank
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Optimizing Payment Rails:
Smarter Solutions for Efficient Money Movement

Thursday, February 27 at 2:00 ET

Financial institutions are under pressure to deliver faster, more cost-effective, and user-friendly payment solutions. Smart routing and multi-rail optimization have emerged as key strategies to streamline payment processes and enhance the customer experience.

What You’ll Learn:


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