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Nearly two thirds believe their bank to be in a strong position, survey shows
Small and medium sized businesses unhappy with support from banking partners, according to research
Banks signal support for bill that will encourage new banks to be formed in underserved areas
Alternative and non-bank lenders have featured prominently in the 2021 funding round
Brands across all industries need to be prepared for what comes next, especially when it comes to customer experience (CX)
Coronavirus worries have helped boost the case for contactless card payments
Last week Bank of America estimated that Americans have $3.5 trillion in their bank accounts they did not have one year ago
Many incumbent US banks are not structured for a new digital shift boosting opportunity for fintechs
Platform will help gig workers and contractors access government Covid-19 support
Fintechs stepped up to the plate in giving Americans faster access to stimulus checks without fees
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