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Data and AI Driven Discussion July 24

Wednesday, July 24 at 11 am ET, Banking Exchange will host an online discussion

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  • Written by  Banking Exchange staff
Data and AI Driven Discussion July 24

On Wednesday, July 24 at 11 am Eastern time, Banking Exchange will host an online discussion focused on how financial institutions can get the most out of Data and AI.

With so much discussion surrounding this subject, we will break through the hype and get to what banks should be doing now.

Banking Exchange will welcome Ravi Loganathan from Sardine and the President of Sonar to help lead the conversation and provide valuable information.

We will focus on maximizing the ROI of AI and data for financial institutions of all sizes, and provide positive use cases for data sharing and risk management. Additionally, we will discuss how to go from defense to offense in compliance and AML with tech investments.

The discussion is free for banking executives but it does require registration.

To join the discussion, please click on the link below.

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CHICAGO, Illinois — NOVEMBER 7, 2024

Conference to be held at the University of Chicago, Booth Business School Downtown

This one-day event is open to all executives at U.S. financial institutions. On the agenda, will be:

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